Apr 27 2011

How people change

Published by at 5:52 am under Break Up Poems

It bugs me to see you,
or hear your name.
It bugs me to think that with you,
I was just a game.

You played with me,
And it broke me silently,
You hurt me with words,
but i was too stupid to see.

I thought u were different.
But now you’ve changed,
You’re not the same..

You forced me to do things,
Even attempted to kill me once.
And that day haunts me in my dreams,
You never gave me a chance…

Because of you, i cheated.
Because of you, i wake up cryin at night.
I wish i could grab hold of ur neck,
like u did to mine, and squeeze it tight.

I want to make you feel, how i felt.
The tears will escape and fall down my face.
But you… you were just a fake.

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2 responses so far

2 Responses to “How people change”

  1. pixieon 27 Apr 2011 at 8:47 am

    what can one do except keep going?
    be strong
    ^_^ ;-(

  2. Pieroon 10 Apr 2013 at 4:19 am

    it was mean to be abstract. It was nice to have Rita Dove [and her husanbd] sitting behind my classmates and I, as well as knowing she enjoyed the play very much too. It was nice to hear of the process on how they put the play together. For example, they felt the mandolin was a very important part of the poem series, so they went out to find a mandolin player to play all the background music, and music for the songs. Overall it was a very lively and delightful play.

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