Dec 30 2010

I Admit…

Published by at 4:45 pm under Love Poems for Him

Life is a b!tch,
But, you did made it worth living,
Every time my foundation was broken,
You helped me rebuild,
When I was in the darkness,
You showed me the light,
You were the only one that I would never fight,
Through words of hate and angry,
I would not yell,
You are just too prefect,
I’m surprised god couldn’t tell,
That one of his angles fell right outa the sky,
Your just too amazing,
I can not lye.

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2 responses so far

2 Responses to “I Admit…”

  1. SoEfficienton 31 Dec 2010 at 3:26 am

    Its a bet funny that this poem i made i labled love poem for him… because aww… i’m a guy sssssssss… but its great to know that my poem can be seen in both way male and female so i’m not going to conplain. ^_^

  2. b.vaaruka kazetjikuriaon 22 May 2013 at 2:19 pm

    there is hlln whn broken heart pastd…

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