Jun 15 2012

I Cry Myself To Sleep

Published by at 11:19 am under Sad Love Poems

I cry myself to sleep
I curl in a ball and breathe
I hide within myself till no one can see
I go further and further within me

I go further and further within me
I hide within myself till no one can see
I curl in a ball and breathe
I cry myself to sleep

I hurt whenever I think of you
I can’t get them all out of my head
I cringe at all the memories
I think of you in my bed
I cry myself to sleep

I cry myself to sleep
I think of you in my bed
I cringe at all the memories
I can t get them all out of my head
I hurt whenever I think of you

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One response so far

One Response to “I Cry Myself To Sleep”

  1. ashleyon 04 Aug 2012 at 4:03 am

    This is a very deep poem depending on what memory it hits in your mind or heart.
    I found that this is a poem I could relate to at very dificults time(s) in my life….
    over all I loved it and respected it, if Mr. Jacob B, is reading this: Keep up the great work and this is a very wonderful poem 🙂 8)

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