Oct 25 2010
I Give to Thee
I perceive thine eyes
they beckon
wonderful conception
and thou wouldst have me
for thine own
I grant thee no sorrow
for the tempest of thy love
wouldst bear me away
to thy waiting breast
I feed and thou wouldst
nourish my soul
for where we go
demon and angel fear to tread
but in thy passion
I fear not
for thou wouldst make safe
my heart
and no more remain
in fragile state
for thou commiteth all
and wrap my soul
in thy devotion
till I belong hopelessly
to thee
and in thy ocean of adoration
I wouldst drown
and cry not for help
but drink of thee my fill
oh give of me thy heart
elegant lady
I love thee
George W Knox
this is amazing! keep writing!