May 25 2011

Forgive and try to forget

Published by at 8:57 am under Betrayal Poems

I keep replaying the moment over and over again.
I have to forgive you, but I don’t know where to begin.

I feel trapped in my own thoughts, and I can’t break free.
This is something I definitely have to do for me.

Is there a magic word or a candle I can light?
Is there something you can do to make everything all right?

I know you feel bad for what you did that day.
I’m only hurting myself by not putting this away.

But, where do I put it? Where does it fit?
Is it possible for me to just get rid of it?

I don’t think so because the past is now our history.
We can’t deny that this is now part of our story.

So, do I just chalk this up as a lesson that I learned,
like a survivor’s pin or metal to be worn?

What was the lesson? That love is can be lost?
That loving someone can come with a cost?

I guess love in return should not be expected,
and that the love that I give can be rejected.

I have to move on with a different picture in mind,
and say good bye to that love and leave it behind.

It probably wasn’t there even from the start.
It was a dream that I had that came from the heart.

I guess I’ve always had a nieve look on love.
Some blind faith that it would always rise above…

every problem we could have, any challenge that we bare.
As mad as you would get, your love would be there.

I know now that love can’t always be with us.
It comes and it goes anytime that it pleases.

It leaves us behind with destruction and pain.
Then, it comes back and starts all over again.

There’s nothing I can do, not even run away.
I don’t know how to love any other way.

My love doesn’t fade or come with a price.
It won’t ever change like the roll of a dice.

I know that I said you have something to prove,
like I would be there to approve every move.

Even I know it doesn’t really work like that.
Only you will know where your heart is at.

I am no longer expecting fireworks and rainbows.
I don’t believe in Cupid or his stupid little arrows.

I just want to hold you for as long as you’ll let me.
When you want to let go, please do it gently.

The pain that you caused will eventually heal.
The memory will fade of our greatest ordeal.

Then, maybe I won’t have to hold you so tight,
or ask you to talk in the middle of the night.

I know that you doubt that day will ever come.
The climb looks so long, looking up from the bottom.

There will be a day when it won’t be discussed.
But, it will take longer to work on our trust.

Someday, we’ll go back to quoting movie lines,
going out dancing, and tasting some wines.

It will be there but will remain unspoken,
a memory of a time when my heart was broken.

I have to forgive and try to forget.
I know that you’re hurting right now with regret.

I want to get past this and move on with my life.
I love you so much my darling, my wife.

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3 responses so far

3 Responses to “Forgive and try to forget”

  1. Angieon 02 Jun 2011 at 3:05 am

    I love this poem!!! You don’t know how much this poem gets to me! I’ve tried so hard to find the words of how I feel, and this poem truly describes exactly how I feel!!! So ready to move on and forgive him but got no idea how. :/

  2. soneyon 28 Jun 2011 at 2:29 am

    :woot: gr88888888 I love it !!!!

  3. Marshallon 16 Apr 2013 at 11:35 am

    I admire your piece of work, thankyou for all the great articles .

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