Jul 13 2011

I Need You

Published by at 9:58 am under Short & Sweet Love Poems

I’m not here for lust,
Forever’s not a must.
I just need someone to understand,
Someone to hold my hand.

I need somone to miss,
I need someone to kiss.
I need somone to hold me,
So I’ll forget what he told me.

I need someone to care,
Somone to be there,
Just for a while,
With neither games nor guile.

I need more than a flirt,
Who can take on my hurt,
If you’d dare brave me,
I need you to save me.

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One response so far

One Response to “I Need You”

  1. pixieon 13 Jul 2011 at 4:53 pm

    Love the almost light way that it rhymes. Love the way it’s both serious and playful.
    It was cute and fun and very easy to read. There was a tiny bump in your rhyming, nothing unforgivable :p
    I really really like this.

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