May 23 2009

I shall give you my Heart

Published by at 11:14 am under Teenage Love Poems

 I shall give you my heart.

There is no better way to start,
than to give you my heart.
and begin everlasting peace.

so let me hand it over,
as lucky as a four leaf clover.
take it already, sheesh.

i said that i loved you
and I meant what i said
ill love you forever,
even after were dead.

you showed me how to love
and it isn’t that bad.
i was hurt so badly,
i was always sad.

he hurt me worse,
than you ever could.
even if you could
i don’t think you would.

could you see the tears,
running down my cheeks?
each one a confession
of defeat.

I love you so much.
you have no clue.
when i was without you,
i was always blue.

you have made me laugh,
you have made me cry,
but ill love you forever,
even after we die!

from Ashley

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5 Responses to “I shall give you my Heart”

  1. eileenon 09 Oct 2009 at 11:33 pm

    :cry this really happen 2 me!! it makes me so saaad!!!!!! REALLY!!

  2. nessaon 10 Oct 2009 at 7:33 pm

    aww!! this is so cute! me n my friend read this and when she read it to me she said it reminded her of me lol!… :cry :cry 🙂

  3. Allayahon 21 Dec 2009 at 7:18 pm

    Awww! I love it! Reminds me of my crush devin! :cry

  4. brisnnson 08 Mar 2010 at 9:09 pm

    this is a good poemmmm. i meanit helped me, im a teen and my bf since 5 years hold saied its over bye.??!!! it hurt bad and then everyone at school signed a paper and said baad things aboout him and he thinks it wasall my fault and everyone hates him but i wouldnt ever hurt him. no where near how he treated me and and the way he just tossedme around but anyways well thanks! for reading byeee

  5. donnaon 01 Jun 2010 at 11:18 am

    May god bless u dear anynomous.. that was a good poem in deed. hope u\\\\\\\’l write much much more. 😡

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