Mar 23 2011

If you were here :( r.i.p

Published by at 9:31 pm under Missing you Love Poems

I hate being without you,
every single day.
I hate every moment,
I have to say.

My world is empty,
lost and lonely,
I wish i went back to being the old me.

I hope i’ve made you proud,
the pain behind my eyes,
people ask ‘are you ok’
and i reply i’m fine.
They are just lies.

It breaks my heart, into slow pieces,
I miss you so much,
I can’t believe it.

There is noone to talk to,
I used to talk to you,
but then you left,
All the memories left too.

I wish i was there for you,
like you were for me,
But we will be together soon,
One day…. You’ll see.

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One response so far

One Response to “If you were here :( r.i.p”

  1. crystalon 26 Mar 2011 at 8:55 am

    great poem

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