Jan 29 2011

I’m not free

Published by at 7:52 am under Break Up Poems

Something inside me is missing
And I know what it is
I need to heal right now
But I can’t, for what I need is still his.

When we were in love
Our hearts weren’t ours
We held each others
Love blossemed like flowers

Then the scales tipped
You lost you love for me
So not you hurt you
I set your heart free.

You walked away
But forgotten me
You still had my heart
So I’m not free.

I know what is missing
I feel it deep inside
I shed tears for mercy
But to those tears you’re blind.

A gental ache in my chest
My heart isn’t in me
You still hold it, in your hands
So I am not free

When will you let my heart go?
Can’t you see I’m not whole
It is shattering my soul
Let my heart go!

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