Apr 20 2011

im useless

Published by at 2:02 am under Break Up Poems

nothing i can think to say
and nothing i have the courage to do
i have a lot to tell u, to clear away
if i only i had any ideas, any clues
but i stay silent
i let ur words run dry
like an ocean, ur words r like torrents
beating against me
humiliating me
devouring me
…killing me
when u stop talking
when u turn away
i wish u’d never stopped screaming
ur voice, like liquid
a flowing pool of light
im barren, alone, without it
im useless, he says
and hes right, u know
not bcuz i cheated, like he thinks
but bcuz i didnt even care to tell him hes wrong

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4 responses so far

4 Responses to “im useless”

  1. ur love bunny lolon 20 Apr 2011 at 12:50 pm

    lol i thought tht was…well…..good poetry but..yh nevermind….love ya…keep up the gd work

  2. pixieon 20 Apr 2011 at 12:53 pm


  3. Pielordon 29 Apr 2011 at 8:11 am

    Amazing poem.
    I love the repetition that keeps the reader undoubtedly on the same page as you as the poem twists and turns through an almost deceitful romance. The metaphorical usage of voice and light conveys plenty of emotion to relate to and the general layout makes it all the more enticing to read. Wonderful IMO. Also, the ending is strangely unexpected but wraps up the tale with a sort of explanation, very well done. 😀
    I don’t quite understand the screaming line though. ^^

  4. pixieon 29 Apr 2011 at 9:21 am

    i appreciate the comment
    thx for support

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