May 26 2011


Published by at 11:42 pm under Missing you Love Poems

There was a time when we were together
But I guess nothing lasts forever
Memories so hard to forget
I cry for the moments
That I regret
The day you took me up to your room
And told me a story so very gloom
It was a story about a ending
It began with a sorry
And ended goodbye.
From that day on we haven’t spoke
And the jokes we had are over.
I feel like time has went so slow
But to you it has been months
I still miss your voice, your touch, your warmth
And I still love you very much.

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One response so far

One Response to “ImissYouux”

  1. Sasaon 09 Jun 2011 at 12:22 pm

    🙁 this is sad, you not alone

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