Jun 22 2011

In my heart…

Published by at 1:11 pm under I Love You Poems

When i think about you i smile,
there’s always tears in my eyes,
the happiness that shows in my face,
the happiness proved when i cry…

When i see you, i feel something
special inside.
I want everyone to know i love you,
I’m not going to let it hide.

You’re the one who showed me,
how better life can be,
just entering my world,
has now proved it to me.

When i’m upset,
your arms will wrap around me,
i feel safe,
with just you holding me.

When i’m happy,
i’ll see the smile on your face,
it makes me love you so much more,
because it really lightens up the place.

In my heart i know this will last,
and my mind tells me we will never part.
Lets prove to all the people that doubt us,
that true love will never die, it will always surround us.

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