May 10 2014


Published by at 4:43 pm under Betrayal Poems

Betrayed my trust for odd belief,
(I can protect myself)
Distrustful heart no longer knows…
A man with naught but wealth?

Destroyed my heart (it’s not just me).
Intention or mistake?
I had so few to care for, then.
How could you go and take

the one who’d cared for me as well.
A friend no longer trusts.
Bespelled him in a web of lies.
Lies and LIES… and lust.

Ask forgiveness. Beg me, “Stay?”
The truth is, you were wrong.
And all those secrets you revealed
are where they don’t belong.

Irreversible, I know.
(I swore I wouldn’t cry).
An empty, tear-filled, silent bed –
where I’ll lay down and die.

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One Response to “Irreversible”

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