Mar 15 2008

It was always you

Published by at 6:10 pm under Sad Love Poems

It was always you

I sit here alone, thinking about the times we shared
the laughs, the cries, the pointless little lies.
You could never open up with me…
Where’s the part of u i’ve longed to see.
does u leaving, mean loosing everything?
Does my heart breaking mean anything?
I cry for hours
but in front of u i have to hold back the tears
How long do u think this misery will last?
Days? Years?
If u truly loved me,
you would know this was right
and realize,
it was always meant to be
So when ur around,
or willing to fight to get me back
my arms will be open,
cuz this whole time it was faith we lacked
And maybe then
wut people thought could be true
cuz all along, i knew
It was you…

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38 Responses to “It was always you”

  1. tashon 03 Apr 2008 at 5:31 am

    my bf just left me after a yaer, he lied to me, he promised me the world, he told me that he would never leave me behind, then when i wiped out my eyes he was gone, he left me behind, he went to another city and broke up with me but if he really loved me he would have stayd he left town becoz his aunt promised him a car if you want to hear more or want to talk email me at [email protected][B]null[/B]

  2. weston 20 Apr 2008 at 11:30 am

    when i first met her, she told me that she loved me… but the last time i met her n i truly love her….
    she told me that she used me just to forget her past boyfriend…
    :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry

  3. Christinaon 24 Apr 2008 at 3:15 am

    Me n my fiance jus broke up a day ago…and he alreadi started talking to 2 different girls…we were together for 9 months, n engaged for 6…he wuz mi life, i went through so much with mi family and friends for him, cuz he told me he would neva hurt me…n we would b together foreva, but he jus up n disappered n i have cried all i can…but tears are still coming…i dont know what to do!!! Ne one that has any questions or advice for me PLZ feel free to email me!!! I would really appreciate it!!! THANKS

  4. adrianaon 07 May 2008 at 10:12 am

    i can really relate myself to this poem. i love my ex and he has no clue that i cry everynight and that i\’m waiting for him to come back

  5. Rhondaon 08 May 2008 at 7:44 am

    i feel like ive been hit by a hammer on my head as my beloved fiance is growing apart fromme, i say its bcz of me.. i dnt tell him things n i feel like im pushing him away .. slowly bcz i dnt speak to him about wats onmy mind..:(

  6. mimikoon 08 May 2008 at 3:49 pm

    :cry awww.. its so sad..
    i feel so bad.. cuz my boyfriend right now loves me so much.. i did used him to get over my first love too.. but then i fell in love with him… hehe cool huh?? but the sad part is that a part of me will always be with my first love.. he\’s the first guy that i give all my heart too..

  7. Innocent Momon 09 May 2008 at 3:55 pm

    my fiance and I well lets just say there is so much going on right now , he left me here at my moms so he can go set up a home for me and our child and our unborn baby but soon after he left i started finding stuff on his internet accounts making itseem like he was with his ex girlfriend… his phones would always be off and he would never answer my calls and the rare occasion he would he was always busy … so i still gave him the benefit of the doubt… he told me he would be back on mothers day which is this upcoming sunday and i honestly believe he is not going to show up….i have been talking tohim every day and his sister has told me that deanna is with him and so has deanna\’s ex whome she left so she could come down to bc where irronically me and my fiance are… so right now im more then just a little upset i have spent the last 24 hours sitting in my wedding dress crying my eyes out not knowing what to think or believe …. and it just hurts so much so if anyone wo9uld like to chat then email me at [email protected]

  8. JESSon 24 May 2008 at 5:34 pm

    :cry my boy friend and i are still together. weve been dating 4 about 3 mo. i kno its not long but we were good friends for a long time since we were just in elementry skool he flirts with so many girls and every time i wanna leave him i cant cause i get so scared of wut he might do. i love him with all my heart but he just got some other girl pregnant. IDK WUT TO DO. HELP!!!

  9. lindsay griffithson 25 May 2008 at 7:36 am

    Me && My Boyfriend Broke Up A Month Ago…We Were Together Just Over A Year..I Feel 4 Him Early In Our Relationship && I Thought He Loved Me But All Along He Was Cheating On Me With His Ex Who He Had Finished With To be With Me. This Was Going On 4 The First 3 Months…The Day We Broke Up He Started Going Out With Someone Else. I Only FOund Out About All Of This From His Ex The Day After We Broke Up. Now Were Talkin Again Which Makes Me Miss Him && Want Him More…I Miss The Way He Used 2 Make Me Feel..I Always Wonder If He Ever Thinks About Me Anymore Or If He Ever Did…I Think That If He ever Askd 4 Me Back Then Id Gladly Take Him Because I Cant Bare 2 Be Without Him.

  10. Navaon 26 May 2008 at 12:11 am

    :cry that was such a good poem sad tho

  11. samaraon 02 Jun 2008 at 7:34 am

    [B]he just played my heart[/B]
    :sigh when we met as friend i dont feel anything for him, but when he told me that he loves me, i believe..then i found out that its only a lie, because the truth is he is
    before we met he is already crazy in love with my bestfriend.

  12. devil gurlon 03 Jun 2008 at 6:50 pm

    :cry :cry :cry :cry :sigh
    [B]i could beleive sad it wuz..this goes to my life[/B]

  13. Adam Featherstoneon 12 Jul 2008 at 10:09 am

    Just saying that this is an amazingpoem. im currently looking for inspiration for my next song, and this poem is perfect, ty. 🙂

  14. iBrokenon 26 Jul 2008 at 10:00 am

    Touching Poem. I\’m going through a rough stage at the moment. When i\’m angry she talks to me, but when I want her she ignores me..

  15. neha on 02 Sep 2008 at 3:56 am

    i loved my bf alot nd he also say he loves me but he hurts me alot on a very small fight in which his fault is there. I have done alot to make him respect me but in 2yrs also he is d same. I always just wanted him to b a nice guy but in his anger he never thinks wht he is saying to me. He is nt on with ny other girl tht i surely know but at this stage when we have decided to get marry his immaturity is awful I want to leave him forget him but cant do. If i get marry to him he will always hurt me like this but i want him back as i cant leave without him. plz u all wish tht he start caring abt my feelings nd have sum emotions.

  16. alyssiaon 11 Sep 2008 at 9:17 am

    [B]i was like thts wow[/B]
    🙂 :grin 😉 8) :p :sigh :zzz :upset :eek :roll 😕 :cry 🙁 😡
    i kind of felt all of these rewadsing trhios

  17. delindaon 19 Sep 2008 at 9:23 am

    i love this pomes it lit poeple know that u need to talk as much as u can to the one you love and that if you do you can push thim to tell you that it is over 😡

  18. always brokenon 21 Sep 2008 at 7:43 am

    when me and mf broke up i already knew what i had lost and its been a year and i still want her back she treats worse then any thing now but i still love her i dont know what to do with out her i date otehre girls and it dosent work i only have eyes for her :cry she makes me so mad some time with way she just agg any way really nice poem

  19. Fatimaon 09 Oct 2008 at 3:19 am

    Do everyone gets hurt like this, how can anyone leaves you when u r about to get married

  20. lisetteon 14 Oct 2008 at 2:21 pm

    i totally feel like this..
    but i dnt even knw about him anymore b/c he lyks someone else [[well thats wat i think]] cuz he always apologizes for tryin to get wit my sister :sigh idk anymore =-[[[

  21. Lexison 02 Dec 2008 at 3:59 am

    I am really feeling this poem, it represents me and my friend we are torn between being just friends and being more than friends, to be honest with you I am in love with him and I want a relationship with him but I don\’t want to end up losing a good friend…. :sigh

  22. Seanon 15 Dec 2008 at 7:45 pm

    :sigh This is like Exactly what i feel…….. :sigh

  23. joeon 20 Dec 2008 at 10:13 pm

    this poem touched me i fell for my best friend now im losing her… it hurts to even talk to her now

  24. Kall Bon 23 Dec 2008 at 6:49 pm

    I just broke up with my boyfriend of a month because of a love triangle and it hurts so bad how much i miss him and this makes me cry reading it :cry :cry :cry :sigh

  25. Amberon 01 Jan 2009 at 3:32 pm

    [B]null[/B]Im in love, with an arsehole. I fell pregnant with his baby about a month ago, at first i was scared of being alone so i wasnt going to keep it but now ive gone against the idea and i want to keep it. At first he hated me for saying i didnt want it, now he hates me because i\’m keeping it. I cant win, im so scared because he threatens me, hes going to kick it out of me, his words, you read about these things in magazines but when it really happens its a scary and delicate situation but im just gonna do my own thing and avoid him. So scared though.. 🙁 :cry 😡

  26. cretiaon 16 Jan 2009 at 1:14 am

    this poem is really good. i love poems that express my feelings. i am halfway thru my pregnancy and i just found out the guy ive been with has been living with another girl. now that hes caught he said he needs time to choose cuz he loves us both. ive always told myself if i ever get in this situation i will leave the man, bt now that its here its different. i want to leave him alone so bad, but i miss him. its feels good to know ur not alone when ur pregnant. but good job on the poem.

  27. Uchihaon 11 Feb 2009 at 2:59 am

    you guys are pathetic!! everything about life is not always love… living in hatred is betta then love… hatred is wat keeps you going not love.

  28. heartbrokennnn. on 06 Apr 2009 at 10:42 pm

    [I]this is how i feel, for 3 years iive loved him and he always doent think i love him so he goes and says he loves another girl wchich once was my friend. i really love him and i dont now what to do to keep him? he always says sorry and comes back to me cause i could never say no but it just that in the long run i am the one getting hurt and that just keeps happening over and over again !! i cant stop thinking about him he makes me cry when i think about our memories together, i get so jealous when i see him with another girl but im guessing he doesnt like it when im chilling with the guys but its harder for me because he has acutally went out with the girl he hangs out and she says she LOVES him (she doesnt no the meaning of love) !! i just want him and i to be together and be happy !! 🙁 :sigh[/I]

  29. heartbrokennnn. on 06 Apr 2009 at 10:44 pm

    [I]this is how i feel, for 3 years iive loved him and he always doent think i love him so he goes and says he loves another girl wchich once was my friend. i really love him and i dont now what to do to keep him? he always says sorry and comes back to me cause i could never say no but it just that in the long run i am the one getting hurt and that just keeps happening over and over again !! i cant stop thinking about him he makes me cry when i think about our memories together, i get so jealous when i see him with another girl but im guessing he doesnt like it when im chilling with the guys but its harder for me because he has acutally went out with the girl he hangs out and she says she LOVES him (she doesnt no the meaning of love) !! i just want him and i to be together and be happy !! 🙁 :sigh[/I]

  30. jennifer on 07 Apr 2009 at 2:32 am

    :cry this reminds me of my boyfriend now that we are breaking up he dont care anymore and everything we been through and everything he has told me means nothing to him noq :cry it hurts like hell \\\\ and yes life is about love towards your family kids and whoever else is willing to love you back thats life

  31. hannahon 21 Apr 2009 at 10:54 pm

    why cry over someone you\\\\\\\’ve known for a week? or gone out with for a few months? half of you people have never felt true love, nor true heartbreak. and that\\\\\\\’s a good thing. no use crying over something – or someone – that doesn\\\\\\\’t really matter or will never effect you. think it over. good poem by the way brought tears to MY eyes.

  32. cynthia on 08 May 2009 at 1:02 pm

    that had to be the most truthfull thing i had ever read.. it reali touch my heart.. & this is what i feel about my boyfriend now. & in out in our relationship.

  33. rajugoudon 08 Aug 2009 at 5:33 am

    send some message

  34. mandyon 26 Sep 2009 at 4:48 am

    love is very painful iv been through it b4 soo many times nd i would h8 2 go through that again nd u dnt noe how muchh i hated my life but im loving it now c0z the guy that im with will never do that 2 me soo thats a gudd thing :grin [B]null[/B][URL=null]null[/URL][B]null[/B][EMAIL]null[/EMAIL][I]null[/I][U]null[/U]

  35. Thembakazion 22 Nov 2009 at 12:23 pm

    poems are hot

  36. Anonymouson 07 Dec 2009 at 12:22 am

    i havnt experienced much with love, but your poems r great and i relate to some of them like as if they were made for me personally!!! your poems are great and you should publish a book of them one day!!! write lots of poetry!!! you have inspired me and ive only been reading your work since yesterday!!! Thanx for the inspiration!!! When I read your work, I feel my love life isn\’t as bad because I know there are other people out there experiencing the exact same thing!!! great job with these poems you write and never stop!!!

  37. Ton 22 Jan 2010 at 8:34 am

    this poem right here is so tru ta the moment for me… it hit the nail right on the spot..

  38. mandion 15 Dec 2010 at 9:25 pm

    :bandit: :alien: :ninja: :sick: :whistle: 😆

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