Sep 11 2012

It’s Not Red

Published by at 11:53 pm under Dark Love Poems

It’s not red

They say things happen for a reason.
That there is a purpose on things happening.
But I swear, there is no purpose on your death, love.
I don’t see the reason or purpose on you leaving this world.
You were here for a second and gone… buried 6ft under the next.

I lay dark roses on your grave and tell you the news; I hoped to tell you while you stood in front of me. The news of our child.

But in a few months I lost her as well.
Oh how happiness can be taken away by darkness in a heartbeat.
Yet you and I reveled in darkness. We were one.
Nothing could have separated us… but Death did.
You once asked me why I liked the snow so much. I told you because it’s cold, and not red like death.

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