Jan 11 2013

Just. Like. This. Love.

Published by at 3:51 am under Break Up Poems,Uncategorized

Just. Like. This. Love.

Somewhere in my mind,
I tell myself that I’m alright,
From somewhere hidden deep inside,
I say I’ll make it through this night,
Yet part of me still says, “You need to run and hide!”
The heart it fills from empty pride and screams, “I will no longer FIGHT!”

And I know I’ll make it through this $hit,
Even if I lose everything I’ve got,
I’ll live every single moment with in it,
To change the story; to change this plot,
And even if that really means,
That I must finally force you out,
I must do what I must do it seems,
To never again feel this amount of doubt.

And you should be ashamed,
How can you be so grim?
You say I lie, but I don’t lie,
You’re the one who lies with him.
You paint a picture, an imperfect picture,
A picture perfect painted in sin,
To turn around and paint a picture,
Of me that’s bad and then you grin.

It’s sad and it’s sadistic,
You’re inability to understand,
Being with you is not realistic,
It’s always another one night stand,
And I have lost the drive,
I have lost the hope to hold on to,
This love is gone and will no longer survive,
So tomorrow…
Just. Like. This. Love.
I hope and pray that you are gone too.
-Dennis Mayer

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3 responses so far

3 Responses to “Just. Like. This. Love.”

  1. pixieon 11 Jan 2013 at 12:22 pm

    This stanza absolutely blew me away:
    “And you should be ashamed,
    How can you be so grim?
    You say I lie, but I don’t lie,
    You’re the one who lies with him.”

    I stand in awe of your magnificent work.
    Your poetry is inspiring, heart-felt and utterly moving.
    Thank you.

  2. xxplagueratxxon 11 Jan 2013 at 1:29 pm

    this is amazing. i love it! keep on writing:)

  3. Dennison 12 Jan 2013 at 6:08 am

    Thank you both for your incredibly kind words. It really means a lot to me.
    I wrote this a couple months back and it was the first one I had written in over 3 years. So, natually — It’s nice to hear good things.
    Pixie, I can’t thank you enough. Your poetry is so ridiculously good it amazes me that you would consider mine to be inspiring.
    xxplagueratxx, it’s funny that you would say what you did. I almost tossed this one after I wrote it, and gave up on writing altogether.

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