Aug 14 2013

learning how to let you go.

Published by at 7:47 am under Goodbye Poems

i worry about you
that, maybe you’re not alright.
maybe you’re hurting too,
like i do all the time.

maybe you find it hard
to stay in one place
because you’ve been hurt too much
though i hope,for you,
this restlessness is just a phase.

i worry that you will turn a blind eye
to the path you’ve been shown
i worry that one day,
you may not be here at all.

i know.
i know you have to go,
although sometimes i hope you don’t.

sometimes i have to catch myself,
asking someone, somewhere
who could control.
i almost ask them to not let you go.

but i stop myself,
because i know.

i know you have to,
it’s your life to live.
and you have to move forwards
even if that means
that you should forget.

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