Nov 05 2011

Leaving you

Published by at 1:57 pm under Betrayal Poems

When i left you a part of me broke
The rope was hanging, calling my name
Just remember that i’m not the same
Your hands on my throat , i’m not going to choke.
You cut your arms making beautiful art
Remember the day when i tore you apart?
Your eyes filled with tears,
Like you never cried in years.
You broke my heart so just let it be.
Im leaving you here , because you betrayed me.

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7 responses so far

7 Responses to “Leaving you”

  1. Maxon 13 Nov 2011 at 4:55 pm

    wow… this is horrible

  2. SWeet.Candyies**on 13 Nov 2011 at 10:54 pm

    WOW!! your just bein an a** today arn’t you haha wowzers!! dude don’t come on this site. MAX>>GET A FRIKIN LIFE!!<< and sop bein to arrogent and rude. GOD!!

  3. Petty_Gurl_Swagon 13 Nov 2011 at 11:04 pm

    AHA!! i swear i love this chick!!
    HAHA!! GOSH!! she’s just on a rostin spree lol

    >>MAX my nigg, you should seriousl leave. I’m pretty sure that you can’t make a poem beter than this one. Cuz actually is a pretty good poem and obviously your and idiot. Yeah thats what it is, either your and idiot than you just can’t understand poetry. ND since obviously its both, you should really consider not commenting because your only embarrising yourself.

    >>sweetxmurdeerx>> snt worry bout that spazz ^^yes your a spazz^^ just do what you do and write more poems. Because personaly their not ‘horrible’ and i enjoy them XOXO

    LUV YA!! ^_^

  4. Maxon 14 Nov 2011 at 12:41 am

    Wow talk about hipocrites. You guys say I’m rude and an ass, but what do you think you look like responding to my comments like this.
    If I were you, I would let myself look like an ass, and not ashame myself by writing these “comebacks” if you can call them that.

    P.S. I thoroughly enjoy your words at the end, trying to make yourselves look good with positive words, how nice and utterly fake of you.

  5. sweetxmurdeerxon 05 Dec 2011 at 10:09 pm

    Aww you guys are so nice ^.^

  6. alanon 13 Jan 2012 at 1:12 pm

    hey thats really full of revenge good for the bastards who betray loyal people and then show fake emotions so as to get them back i ve faced this i am indian i hate aqib zia one of the motherfuckers

  7. aedenon 17 Jan 2012 at 7:47 am

    Max: you might receive a warmer welcome if your criticisms were constructive instead of just an insult. You are entitled to your own opinion, but if you can’t back it up with something the artist can reflect on, well than what’s the effing point, pal? Other than trolling. Are you a Troll, Max? I bet you turn to stone if someone casts you into the light…

    sweetxmurdeerx: I thought it was kind of cold, but since I appreciate the cold it was all good with me. I like your poem.

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