Jul 20 2012
Left Over Feelings
You walk off with another girl
Hand in hand,
Little do you know how much that sight hurts
When it lands,
Pretending to be joyous
I turn away with a fake smile,
Conversation goes on
Mile after mile,
I join in, trying not to think of the days
When you would make me smile,
In so many different ways
I love you so I left you,
Because it was what was right
But that does not make any less painful the sight,
Of you with another, smiling at each other
And I know that you are happy together,
So best wishes to you both,
And goodbye.
I smile a sad little smile as I walk away
Half regretting, half not,
What I had to do
But it was right for me
And it was right for you.
I’m confused , was Robert frost Gay . sounds like it in this poem , rather confusing . ;-(