Jul 20 2012

Left Over Feelings

Published by at 4:07 pm under Sad Love Poems

You walk off with another girl
Hand in hand,
Little do you know how much that sight hurts
When it lands,
Pretending to be joyous
I turn away with a fake smile,
Conversation goes on
Mile after mile,
I join in, trying not to think of the days
When you would make me smile,
In so many different ways
I love you so I left you,
Because it was what was right
But that does not make any less painful the sight,
Of you with another, smiling at each other
And I know that you are happy together,
So best wishes to you both,
And goodbye.
I smile a sad little smile as I walk away
Half regretting, half not,
What I had to do
But it was right for me
And it was right for you.

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One Response to “Left Over Feelings”

  1. joElleon 17 Dec 2013 at 7:37 pm

    I’m confused , was Robert frost Gay . sounds like it in this poem , rather confusing . ;-(

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