Sep 24 2010

Let Your Dreams Go Free

Published by at 1:48 pm under Cute Love Poems

Let your dreams
Go free
Let them fly
Make the world in your hands
Don’t break and cry
Imagine your world and create it as you wish it to be
be sure that your mind is your greatest power and single key
move high and grow
don’t ever regret
stay calm and alert for what you get
learn your lessons
and love your pain
you have to know
the rules of the game
never surrender
but let it go
seek the knowledge
and move with the flow
never harm yourself and be fair
you’re born for a reason
you have to care
live each moment
with an open heart
it’s all what you have
to move apart
from all the sorrow
from all the doubt
so keep yourself high
only this will count…


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