Mar 11 2014

Life As We Know It

Published by at 12:39 am under Uncategorized

The journey has begun and we still don’t get it
When fools have it all, wise has to exit
This game goes on & on as we all know it

You’re a player whether you like it or not
So try not to waste your time asking “how & what”,
Just play with the rules and keep your mouth shut!

One day you’ll be remembered for something you said
Or maybe for helping a family member or a friend
One way or another, your chapter will reach an end

So live your life and wait for the next
One day for yourself and one for the rest
You have to compromise, this way is the best

Set your priorities, live your dreams
The world is a mixture of laughter & screams
We’re all equal and have tasted its sours & creams

And remember: The jolliness of life lies behind
A very simple equation only few have identified
Not money, not power, only peace of mind

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