Jul 12 2011

Like You

Published by at 10:02 am under Dark Love Poems

I wish I was like you, I really do,
Then maybe I’d be able to hate you.
Maybe if we were the same,
Lying, using, completely without shame,
I could move on like you do.

If I was like you, then maybe I’d see,
That all you wanted was just to hurt me.
If I was like you, I think it’d be fun,
To kill with love like a loaded gun.
I could use like you do.

If I were anything at all like you,
Then I’d know just what to do.
I’d stop feeling, crying, caring,
No more loving, dying, sharing,
I could hate like you do.

If I could be at all like you,
So cold, so brutal, so untrue,
You’d be gone and we’d be through,
But I can’t do that because I still love you.

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3 responses so far

3 Responses to “Like You”

  1. pixieon 12 Jul 2011 at 4:50 pm

    I reread this about three times and it got even better the more i looked at it, revealing hidden meanings and deep emotions. I feel as though I’m having a flashback, going through everything you’ve written about.
    Awesome words, made for some very graphic imaginations. Was very easy to relate to.
    Well done.

  2. Justaboyon 13 Jul 2011 at 12:04 pm

    🙂 Thank you, I really appreciate it.

  3. xxPlagueRatxxon 09 Oct 2011 at 8:22 pm

    i can relate to this so much, thankyou, this is brilliant

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