Dec 31 2010
Little Miss Criminal
Eyes look innocent
Smile looks vulnerable
Expression looks kind
She looks cute
Take her off your mind
She is not little miss innocent
Looks cover her intentions
She is dangerous
Expression filled with anger
Eyes reflect evil
Take her off your mind
She is little miss criminal
Nails scratch you like claws
Teeth bite like fangs
Don’t let her touch your heart
She will make you suffer in pain
With her you can’t play games
She is not that type of woman
May seem kindhearted
But is the complete opposite
She has a deep edge
You’d better watch your back
She is like the devil’s daughter
Brake her and she will take revenge
Watch her closely
The blood that runs from her fingertips
You already know what she did
Little miss criminal…
👿 This gave me chills its so good! Devilishly so