Jul 30 2010

Living a Lie

Published by at 7:56 pm under Betrayal Poems

You lived your life knowing me,
and who I was.

You lived your life knowing our plans.
You lived your life knowing our future.

You lived your life knowing our feelings.
& our anger & frustrations.
You lived your life knowing our ideas.

You lived your life knowing your LIES
about everything.
You lied about our plans.
& our future.
You lied about too much for me to live my life.

You never kept your promise.
You never told the truth.
You always expected so much of me
You expected me to stay here and wait for you.

You lied, and made me fall for you.
You told our families about our plans.
That you never planned to keep.

I found your lies, I found your faults.
I found the true you.
And I don’t want it.

I’ll live my life knowing our plans & future.
I’ll live my life knowing your lies, and broken promises.
I’ll live my life, without you

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5 responses so far

5 Responses to “Living a Lie”

  1. jessicaon 12 Aug 2010 at 12:39 am

    delusional you lived your plans your dream your goals and to the hell with everybody else and now yu realised everybody has moved on so get gone hahahahahahahahaha im a poet and i didn’t even know it ……. 👿

  2. ddon 12 Aug 2010 at 1:49 am

    harsh realites of life it just sucks

  3. iwait4you4everon 30 Sep 2010 at 2:42 pm

    some people just dont know how to keep promises it seems.. to me what is the point of making a promise if you never keep them.. Me I do my best to always try to keep my promises.. even if it causes me great hardship.. but I now know too I cannot expect everyone to live their life like me.. I just know not to believe in promises that are so easily broken.. when mine never were..

  4. Aaron C.on 28 Oct 2010 at 3:37 am

    damn straight i freaking understand this poem. my ex girl had crushed are dreams by saying a single sentence. paaawhhh but u cant force someone to love you

  5. landlord216on 22 Dec 2010 at 12:32 am

    i like it!!!

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