Jul 06 2015

Lost Within The Words. Raw.

Published by at 7:27 am under Uncategorized

What is it that I have to do?
The sign on the door reads clearly,
Fuc* those of you that are untrue,
Is it not enough to make you weary?
Wrong. I guess it was for fun,
With all my chips in — but you’re not the one—
You‘re forever not undone.
You’re forever lost and spun,
Blinded by light and darkness alike,
In to the depths of hell,
The pure definition of a useless kike
Eyes of the tears do swell,
Of sadness and joy expelled,
The only thing holding me back, are the,
Ones who have kept me on track,
That is why I never fear it,
See through my eyes and maybe you’d hear it,
True as the truth that stands,
Dead as the lines on these broken strands,
In one ear and out the other,
The fear is all we suffer.
Ones own fear is all but shuttered,
That is all of what remains, these
Are the helpless souls, and they play the
Closest games,
To you it’s just a joke, the thought of
You it makes me choke,
Never again I yell over and over,
Again and again I steep lower and lower,
Will I ever end this madness?
You bring me to this blackness,
Ever more, I say never more,
Abuse is filled with sadness,
This is the sin of our status,
Love never again this badness—
That incases me.
I’ve given enough and it’s time to be free,
Given the love and its hate back to me,
To me it’s always hate,
You are the one who can never relate,
Never forever too late.
Again and again
Ever and ever,
Again and again,
I say never.
Never do I ever commit, I
Say the same useless shit, I
Never truly ever see it,
But this time I see in truth,
This time I see through you, this
Times the time I cut the noose.
Forever left in recluse,
Goodbye forever,
To you I am free,
You never truly ever helped me, you
Forever held me back,
My long lost heart attack, a
Friend all covered in hate and black. Goodbye. Be gone. I love you.

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