Jul 21 2010

Love on the Internet

Published by at 8:31 pm under Funny Love Poems

I met a fella on the internet
I thought I’d met ‘Mr. Right’
I thought he was Prince Charming
This mystery man at night.

I thought he was my handsome prince
By the things that he did say
And he thought I was Marilyn Monroe
I thought that was ok.


We sat and ‘IM’d” back and forth
Two lonely people on the net
He said the sweetest things to me
Said I was the “ONE” he’d never met!

I wanted a real picture of him
And he wanted one of me
But somehow we never quite ‘found one’.
Just kept on chattin don’t ya see?

I guess that’s called “online romance”
Though some folks say it isn’t wise?
But you just may find your ‘perfect match’
Then you’re in for the “REAL SURPRISE”….

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4 responses so far

4 Responses to “Love on the Internet”

  1. pixieon 26 Apr 2011 at 4:27 pm

    really cute
    though i think it wouldve been more appropriate under “cyber love poems”

  2. essoon 28 Jun 2011 at 4:57 am

    that is the best poet for love at net

  3. omiekaon 30 Jun 2011 at 8:32 pm

    what a nyc online romantic poem that happen to most ppl. :p

  4. sulon 03 Mar 2012 at 6:48 pm

    that’s sweet poem love nice :love:

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