Feb 22 2011

Love Plague

Published by at 11:58 am under Love Poems for Boyfriend

we held in warm embraces
lockinq lips on that beautiful night.
your eyes shine gentle kindness
that even the stars evny you .
your the moon upon my night
and your the light upon my day
ill hold you till the end of time
not even if forever exists .
you will always hold that space in my heart
even though we stand miles apart.
so i tell my story,
of my disease called the love plague.

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One response so far

One Response to “Love Plague”

  1. serena93on 17 May 2011 at 11:13 pm

    this is so gorgeously written! well done đŸ˜€ i enjoyed this to the full! (:
    thankyou for your talent

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