Jan 14 2010

Meri Jaan

Published by at 4:47 am under Hindi Love Poems

Meri Jaan
Jaan, why do I long to hold you?
When my heart you have pained!
Why do I pray for your happiness?
When your thoughts cause me heartache!

Why does my heart not curse, but love you
When you have broken all promises…
My mind laughs at my heart’s battle
My soul weeps that you mirrored the rest.

Your letters I’ve read often and wonder
I must have misunderstood your promises.
To cure my heart’s wounds with your love
Not bleed me like the great Nile.

As I sit alone, hiding my tears and paining,
Half-a-world away, your singing and dancing.
My tears shed will not forgive you for deceiving me
My heart's scars forgive you, for saying- you loved me.

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4 responses so far

4 Responses to “Meri Jaan”

  1. Amzyyon 05 Aug 2010 at 7:52 pm

    :love: wow x

  2. sharwanon 13 Aug 2010 at 5:05 pm

    i like very much this poem well suit on my love story

  3. Rahulzon 22 Sep 2010 at 6:37 am

    not makin any sence xD

  4. Dannielle Lovesongon 01 Oct 2010 at 12:20 am

    That’s true…

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