Feb 25 2011
Misfortuned Lover
The story of a young woman
She who lost her heart countless times
Her goal was to find here true desire
But she was always deceived
Poor woman you call her
But that she wasn’t
She who never gave up on love
She still carries on even with a broken heart
Yearning to find it
Screams that its all that she wants
But her perfect lover who can heal all her pain
Never came
Desperately she waits
She can’t stand living with love’s absence
Please she prays ,please present me with a blessing
Is my life so sad ?
She cries every night
Is it so impossible to find ?
Surrounded by men
Their mouth filled with lies
Hands painted with greed
This is not what she needs
Love ,true love ,where can she find it
Which man can dry her eyes
Who can safe her from a lonely death ?
Poor woman you call her
Maybe your right
She who yearned and cried her life long
Never loved ,never smiled
The story of a young woman
The Misfortuned Lover
She who never gave up on love
She still carries on even with a broken heart
i like these lines.