Mar 12 2011
Missing you lots
I’m so lost
I’m so hurt
I’m so cold
I’m so lonely
I miss her so
I miss her so much
I want her by my side
I want her to cuddle me
I want her to snuggle me
I want her to kiss me
I want her to hug me
I want her to talk to me
w/o you I’m so hurt
w/ you I’m in so much pain
w/o you I got no1 to express my feelings too
w/o you I’m so lost
w/o you I’m so shattered
w/o you I got no1 to love
what I’m saying is
and…what i mean from all this is….
that I miss you Vanessa
I miss you hearing from you
I miss talking to you
I miss your cuddles & snuggles
I miss your sweet lovable hugs
I miss your sweet soft lips that tell plenty
I am in so much deep pain
not hearing and seeing you
I know its only been a day w/o talking and hearing from each other
but….feels like a year
better yet feels like 4ever
feels like I never ever heard from you
I’m so hurt and shattered w/o you
I’m so lost, cold, and lonely w/ you
but….I guess you got better things to do
talking to your friends instead of me
I just want a Hi from you
just a Hi to see how you are doing
but….I didnt get that
not this day
not today
nope no I didn’t
no words
no feelings from you
hurts and shatters me lots