Sep 08 2010

My Everything And Everyone

Published by at 9:10 am under Goodbye Poems

When you held me in your arms
The moon has never shone so bright
And once apon this moon I said,
That noone shares, what we have…
And you argeed and kissed my lips,
Nothing has ever made more sense,
And nothing ever felt so right,
I need you by my side, my knight!
You’re the solution to my dreams,
The sorce, but antidote to pain.
We said that we deserve this love,
The sole solvation to our hearts,
And nothing more, and nothing less
Has ever given me more stress,
Or more relief, more peace, or fears,
The fear of loosing you, and tears,
But all of this is what I need,
Because my love for you is real,
And what I feel for you is true,
Because my heart belongs to you!
You are my purpose, I love you…
The tears were pouring down my face,
My soul was growing weaker,
But please don’t tell me just to stop,
My love for you is sweeter,
Then any other thing I knew,
I know that if I’m ment to be
With anyone, then it is you.
So please hold on, if not to me,
Then to my love,
Because it is, and always will be,
Just for you.
My chest feels empty without you,
As if I’ve lost myself, my soul,
My heart, my purpose, my whole world…
Without you I’m all alone,
And I have never felt so cold,
I want to give you all my love,
I want to give you my whole world,
It’s all I have, It’s not a lot,
But It has capacity to grow,
My love for you is all I own,
But you don’t want it anymore…
That’s what you are to me, My Love –
My everything
And everyone…

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One response so far

One Response to “My Everything And Everyone”

  1. iwait4you4everon 30 Sep 2010 at 2:30 pm

    My life summed up by your wonderful poem.. I feel ya and good luck!

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