May 10 2011

My heart screams

Published by at 8:38 am under Sad Love Poems

A picture of her who owns my heart, catches my sharp eye.
I look upon this likeness of her, no smells or sounds imbibed,
and yet it takes but an instant for my mind to race through time.
My heart is destroyed all over again, my will to live is crushed,
I hear her voice and see her smile with pungent lips of plush
a shudder runs through me, a pain forgotten, and sobs break the hush.

A simple picture of colors and paper rips my soul to shreds.
The girl who wrecked and broke and stole me and tore out my joyous threads
has stained me forever like brand upon cattle and left me to graze bare treads.
My heart screams out like never has it before
I lay here hopeless and paralyzed, my tear drops soil the floor.
This girl of disturbing beauty has punctured me to the core.

Tomorrow has no hope, it’s fortnight is empty as space,
I ache to be completed, I yearn to touch her face,
but a passion such as mine is as harmful as it is chaste.
So I lay here and pour out my pain, while she dances in someone’s arms
I tear myself apart, I’m demolished by her charms,
there’s no way for this to end as my love is fully in her charge.

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2 responses so far

2 Responses to “My heart screams”

  1. Em0 fR3aKon 17 May 2011 at 2:46 pm

    I like the poem… it has deep meaning to it

  2. serena93on 17 May 2011 at 11:09 pm


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