Jan 12 2011

My Pianist

Published by at 11:49 am under Forever Love Poems

My pianist
My dearly beloved

How your fingers slide gently while playing
The tone that is so powerful as your calm voice
How your spirit touches mine

No words for this feeling
All I know is that it feels fine

My pianist
My dearly beloved

Spend your life with me
Open your heart
And breath through me

Let me fall asleep next to you
While you continue to play

My pianist
My dearly beloved

Teach me how to play with my heart
Like you do so perfectly

Teach me how to play the piano with affection
Like the way you touch me

My dearly beloved
Seal me into this moment forever

In this empty room
With just you
And the piano

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One response so far

One Response to “My Pianist”

  1. pixieon 16 Mar 2011 at 7:04 pm


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