Mar 13 2011

Need only your Presence

Published by at 7:07 am under Missing you Love Poems

So hard stopping my tears rolling down on my cheek…
each time I listen to the song you sent to me…
It sounds the lyrics could tear my heart, so painful…
and the drizzling made me more terrible, it wanna crush my loneliness heart
Why you are so far from me darling?
when you will be here …….
to remove my loneliness
and why your suggestion for me to turn on your favorite song
each time I feel missing you…it does not help me to reduce my losing of you
otherwise the song seems would ruin my heart into pieces….
Missing you a lot.. it seems being the most uncurable disease
and nothing can heal it except your real presence ……..
Darling swear… I truly miss you and only need you are here right now…

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2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Need only your Presence”

  1. Cruiseon 16 Mar 2011 at 9:26 am

    sometimes love s really confusing, when he s present, we fight. But in his absence, we feel lonely.. :angel:

  2. Pintakoon 16 Mar 2011 at 11:33 pm

    @Cruise: Thx…Yes, you are absolutely right, sometimes it s really confusing..Just thinking many times,,,you get happiness or sorrow from the relationship? Which one you get more? hopefully you get happiness, it means you find out the right person to love :love:

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