Jul 29 2011

Need to see you soon.

Published by at 5:37 am under Missing you Love Poems

I hate spending these nights alone.
Laying in the dark, and just staring at my phone.
Anticipating a text or call.
When deep down, I know that’s all.
That’s all I’ll get tonight.
And you, still, will remain out of sight.
I’v tried wishing on charms.
But still, you remain out of my arms.
Its been way past awhile.
Its hard to believe in my smiles.
I tried looking for you on Imissyou lane.
The only thing I found wasn’t you, it was pain.
I never thought I would hurt so much from not seeing someone.
But then again your not just someone, your the one.
The one for me, the one I need.
So now on my knees, I plead.
Baby come here, come back, I need to see you now.
I don’t care how we get to each other, we have to do this somehow.
At the end of the day, your only a dream away.
But dare I say,
I rather have you here with me.
I want more than to hear, I want to feel, I want to see.
I want to see you, feel you, so I know your still there.
I know you feel the same way, I know you care.
I lay here haunting my illusions of my fears.
And I vent to them, give in to them with my tears.
I star at the night time sky alone, I’v studied the cycles of the moon.
Its been to many full moons sense the last time I saw you, baby i need to see you soon.

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3 responses so far

3 Responses to “Need to see you soon.”

  1. Angelon 04 Jan 2012 at 1:21 pm

    These words come straight out of my heart :love:

  2. gavinon 12 Mar 2012 at 6:31 pm

    i sent this to someone that i love so much great poem 😀

  3. MLMon 10 May 2012 at 9:10 pm

    How god damned true. Hoping the one I want will come see me soon

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