May 02 2011

Never Felt This Way Before

Published by at 2:15 pm under Break Up Poems

If I asked myself yesterday,
“Will you love him forever?”
I would have responded yes
But if you asked me today
I would respond, “I don’t know”
For the heartache I feel
Hurts more then anything else I have felt

As tears fall down my face
And my soul cries for your love
I breathe, and step away
Knowing you did what you felt was right
But I am too afraid to heal
Because that would mean goodbye

As I stair up at the sky,
And feel you in my heart
I cry knowing you are not there
And do not wish to return
For when you left me,
A hole was placed in my heart,
Were your love should have been
And that hole is still empty,
Because you’re still gone

Since you left,
My heart beats faster
And my eyes feel damp
Because I know you are still there
And I know I still love you
But I also know that you don’t love me
And that when you did,
It was for the shortest time,
And I felt it weak,
But it was there

But I was hopeful
And I prayed you wouldn’t let go
But I faced pain
And kissed goodbye my love
For you had moved on
And picked out someone new
And as I cry in my bed tonight
Longing for you to return
I think of that small amount of love I felt in you
And hope it returns

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