Mar 17 2011

New Hope

Published by at 1:25 am under Lost Love Poems

Just believe, one day you got sorrow
Another day will come bright tomorrow
When People getting pain
it just lasts for short while

Strong trust inside without the one
who made you get heart ache
The World still go around
and the blue sky is still there

Never being discouraged
Awaiting real miracle is not in vain
New day will come soon and you engage
in more cheerful days free of pain

Let the tears of sorrow gone away
and happiness will accompany you
One single door being closed
Another ones will being opened

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3 responses so far

3 Responses to “New Hope”

  1. Cruiseon 20 Mar 2011 at 9:39 am

    Keep on hoping, it s better than hopeless 😀

  2. Pintakoon 20 Mar 2011 at 11:25 pm

    @Cruise,, Yes u re true, but high hope can lead to disappointment..just hoping in appropriate measure, not too much hope, that is my view… :p

  3. aveira pallon 03 Oct 2011 at 9:12 am

    yaa..high hope can lead to disapointment.. 🙁 ive experienced it..
    but this poem can bring some1 hope..its really very nice.. 🙂
    specially this line.. “Awaiting real miracle is not in vain”
    i feel this line reveal the poem,, if there’s hpe, there’s miracle ^_^

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