Apr 11 2011


Published by at 2:22 am under Sad Love Poems

My heart is locked and the key is lost
Love was never made for me ,so I thought
I have become emotionless and cold
This was the life that I choose

I have been looking around for a place to call home
But his heart was a dark and hard stone

You crushed me down with your words
And poisened me with your lips

How sweet and full I thought they were
Looks decieve ,kisses tainted with bitterness

Have I not loved you enough…
For you to love me back ?

With your hands you painted my world into the color black
What once was so colerless and hopefull
Died a while ago

Why do you wish to see me hurt this way
Why not grabe a knife and end this life

Why do they say “love with all your heart”
Because of love I have lost a part of my soul

A vision of a beautifull nightmare

In my heart I wanted to see the beauty
But with my eyes I could see that there never was…

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3 responses so far

3 Responses to “Nightmare”

  1. aveira pallon 26 Apr 2011 at 4:35 pm

    really very nice..!!! ^_^

  2. pixieon 26 Apr 2011 at 6:27 pm

    ^_^ ;-(

  3. aveira pallon 03 Oct 2011 at 6:48 am

    awesome..its rily vry nice..
    as if it describs my bitchy life.. 🙁

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