May 05 2011

Nothing I Can Do

Published by at 11:13 pm under Betrayal Poems

Nothing in my life is new Really… How about you? Heard you got a new girl I see… I hope she does the same shit you did to me. Why do you make me so sad? But all i do is make you mad! What can i do to satisy you? Well guess what, here’s the truth.

I don’t know what’s going on, Your like a ticking time bomb! Everytime you look at me I feel like crap inside thank god you can’t see with in me because my heart has died.

So this is how i feel, I feel there’s nothing to say, nothing new, i can’t help you, There’s Nothing I Can Do.

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One Response to “Nothing I Can Do”

  1. Elion 18 May 2012 at 10:52 am

    The rain is pouringThe wahsing is drenchedThe power’s out and,The trees are shaking.There are black clouds above usAnd the gutters are leaking,The drains have flooded all of the street and,The plants are wrecked from the wind and the rain.There are branches flying from trees so,Everyone get your rain coats on because,The rain has hitAnd the wind is blowing.Well done, Sam, this is a great example of JF’s style. Mrs R

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