Feb 16 2011

On the inside

Published by at 9:08 pm under Sad Love Poems

It hurts more than is shown…
that so many judge by appearances..
leaving what is inside left to the unknown…
Untouched by the gaze of so many…
Few to ever really look beyond the physical..

My weight is not perfect over this..
I have no conceit…
I sometimes jiggle from my head to my feet…

I do not have perfect skin…
Why doesnt anyone care to look deep..
See the beauty inside I promise it will make you weep..

My heart loves like no other…
in the face of the impossible it still carries on..
If you need someone in battle I would never leave your side..
All you have to do is but ask..
Sometimes for some even that is too difficult a task..

If you want knowledge I can give it to you…
My brain knows no bounds…
It can do anything it consistantly makes its rounds…

I try to protect the weak …
and stand up for those who cannot be strong…
Even if I am not perfect…
I can admit when I am wrong..

I have made many mistakes…
of which I plan to use to learn and grow..
No matter what or how long it takes..

I try sometimes too hard to be strong…
and it can make me seem quite cold…
when all along it hides the truth of a pain that goes untold..

Sometimes I wonder at the fact that I survive..
and then I am reminded with pain I know I am alive..

These days is it simply put too much to ask that someone love me
for me or should I too don the mask.. of a beautiful physique…
I know it can be done…
or can someone look beyond to see the real prize they have won?

Or will it never be realized that appearances can be deceiving…
that when you look with your eyes… what they tell you can be misleading?

If I conform and become like the masses…
How will I ever know that it is really me who is loved…?
and not my fantastic physical assets?

I once thought he could see me…
it would seem I was wrong…
I guess in the end I was the blindest of all…

Never take for granted when you find that which you seek…
or turn to look the other way for someone else who might complete…
for life is too short and you might have been wrong…
Then in an instant your chance like the wind is now gone…

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