Sep 25 2009

Once I Pass’d Through a Populous City

Published by at 3:42 pm under Walt Whitman Love Poems

Once I Pass’d Through a Populous City

Walt Whitman


Once I pass’d through a populous city imprinting my brain for
use with its shows, architecture, customs, traditions,
Yet now of all that city I remember only a woman I casually met
there who detain’d me for love of me,
Day by day and night by night we were together–all else has long
been forgotten by me,
I remember I say only that woman who passionately clung to me,
Again we wander, we love, we separate again,
Again she holds me by the hand, I must not go,
I see her close beside me with silent lips sad and tremulous.

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One Response to “Once I Pass’d Through a Populous City”

  1. alirezaon 05 Jul 2011 at 10:44 am

    beautiful and short and honestly,i have very respect to walt whitman.he is superman!!!

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