Dec 13 2010

One Day

Published by at 10:36 am under I Love You Poems

I love you so much more than I can ever again let you know…
Until there comes a time I feel you are once again ready for it to show..
I set you free my love with only good intentions.. that you can learn, live and grow..

We each have our own path that we alone must walk…
Never fear my dear I will be with you on this journey if you ever have need to talk..
I am as always your best friend.. this truth you can depend..
I forever will be your buddy and to that there will never be an end…

I too need to take time to spread my wings to fly, but always in my heart..
I will be wishing for the day you call me to return home…
To return from my lifes journey never again from you to roam…

I will tell you a secret.. I gave you my heart…
It is yours so keep it…
It will keep you warm when you are cold…
and it will whisper to you when you are lonely to let you know that you are not alone… and never will be..

It is possible to love more than one person.. this I know for a fact…
You see I have not told all… I have love for someone else… but it simply
does not compare to what I feel for you …
A love that is pure, strong, and true..

You will always be the one.. my everything.. my all…
Never will I regret.. that for love… with you I did fall…
But for now.. you will just be you.. and I will just be I.. and no matter what
fights we have there will never be a goodbye…

Dedicated to my someone special who will forever remain so till the day i die..

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