Jul 20 2010
Our Love is Done
My life is full of people that don’t care about me.
My life is full of secrets that people keep from me.
My life is full of anger and disrespect that I inherit from the world.
I just don’t know the answer as to WHY?!?
Why am I treated with such disrespect?
Why are people not answering me when I ask for help?
Why isn’t the world full with helping hands?
I don’t wanna feel this disrespect anymore
I wanna be loved by others.
The world is supposed to be my chamber of love, my chamber of reality
and truth.
I don’t wanna feel like I’m unwelcome and prohibited.
Well, think again I don’t wanna be in this world if I can’t be
treated fairly.
If you don’t love me then the heck with you.
If you don’t wanna treat me right,
And treat me like I’m another human then forget you.
You need to get out my life NOW!!
By: Breanna Prince
wow. that’s everyday life for me
i agree you feel like everyone is killing you from the inside out