Mar 25 2011

Our Own World

Published by at 4:57 am under I Love You Poems

I wrap you around me,
You fit perfectly into my arms,
Our strong embrace becomes the only thing
We are us, together in our own world.

We must part though,
Pulling away we reach to stay locked as one,
There is an internal battle
I must go, but I need you, with me, in my grasp

My heart tightens, I clench my fists,
Should I turn around I would run back to you,
It takes everything I have to move forward
Away from you

Thinking of you puts a smile on my face,
But I must push you to the back of my mind

I go on,
Knowing what is to come,
That lets me continue, though still,
My arms long for your familiar shape

The long hours are over, at last,
God couldn’t run fast enough,
There you are, in the distance
You fly into my arms: all is right in the world.

Back in our world we escape,
Our eyes meet, no need for words,
I tilt my head, ever so slightly,
Your lips find mine passionate, but soft.

We guide each other.

We are us together in our own world.

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One response so far

One Response to “Our Own World”

  1. Diegoon 16 May 2012 at 3:14 pm

    Way cute you guys! They turned out great! I’m very exeitcd for god’s plans for the both of you! My favorite is definitely the one that is lightened up, with Jenna facing the camera and Jake looking downward. Great pictures!

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