Oct 07 2011


Published by at 12:36 am under Lost Love Poems

She didn’t know that he wasn’t real,
That he had no heart and no soul.
He came when she was at her worst,
When she started losing her grip on reality.
He would help her,
Point out what was real and what was fake,
Be the person she needed most.
She was sure that without this help she would have been crazy already.
Everyday they got closer to curing her.
Emotions grew,
Feelings took over.
He was always there to help.
She was certain that this was what real love felt like.
But when she thought that she could finally be happy with this illness,
For the hallucinations and voices had gone,
He says that he too must leave.
She doesn’t understand why,
She only ever showed him trust and love.
Then came his last words;
“I’m sorry my dear. I love you as much as you wished. But I am your last illusion.”
And with those words spoken,
He left her alone.

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