May 02 2011
Please Stay
I know that I’m not good enough
No matter how hard I try
I know I cannot make you stay
No matter how hard I cry
I hope that you stay long enough
So I can prove myself to you
But by the way it’s going now
It seems there’s nothing I can do
I pray for a miracle
That you would want to stay
But I know that you will not
And that hurts more than I can say
I read something a few weeks ago about the 3 keys in ditermineng your happiness in a job.CoworkersPayActual workIf 2 out of 3 or good, you should stay; 1 out of 3, you should probably look for something else.In my case, I have great coworkers but don’t get paid much at all and no longer enjoy the work. But it’s hard when it’s the coworkers are keeping you at your job. In my case, I can’t imagine finding better coworkers. But in my case, I’d take better work and pay for somewhat less stellar coworkers.