Nov 15 2011


Published by at 3:35 pm under Sad Love Poems

Too many colors, too many sights
Too many wrongs, too many rights
Each scar a different shade
All the colors in a row
In the end the regret starts to fade
…It was all worth it.

I can’t see, I can’t hear
I can’t breathe but I still fear
Why I cry, not knowing why
I always feelsad inside

It spreads big enough for everyone to see
They stare, they stare..
As if life growing up wasn’t enough
As oppose to finding nothing but darkness everywhere

Too many colors, too many sights
Too many wrongs, too many rights
Each color a different shade,
All the colors in a row
In the end I start to fade
Though I wonder, was it truly all worth it?

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One response so far

One Response to “Rainbow”

  1. Petty_Gurl_Swagon 18 Nov 2011 at 1:53 am


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