Mar 29 2012

Resuscitate me

Published by at 12:57 am under Dark Love Poems

Pointless Conversations
leading nowhere
why do all these people care about me?
what i really want to say
is you shouldn’t love me.

Cause i’m the disease
I’m the burden
You’ll one day see
sewn together
although i start to believe
that i was free.

Maybe it was all in my head.
But then i turn around
and see behind everyone’s
That say they’re happy
when inside they’re dying
they’re just lying to the crowd
that continuously surrounds them.

So believe me
when i say
you shouldn’t love me
Cause i’ll be the death of you
even though
i don’t want to be.

I’m hurting inside
with these unsaid
but i won’t cry.

I’ll walk away
because i know
it’ll save your life.

I’m through with this
That sticks to me.
If only i could wake from this
that i continue to dream.

But i fear i
Fore i deserve this Misery.

So please.
Resuscitate me
breathe into my lungs
shock me with electricity.

Cause maybe when i die
and come back to life
I can finally be free
and let you close to me.

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12 responses so far

12 Responses to “Resuscitate me”

  1. Leighhon 29 Mar 2012 at 4:08 pm

    :/ this is a sad poem but its good, but not good at the same time, you shouldnt feel that way your a amazing person.. 🙂 xxxx

  2. glassworxon 29 Mar 2012 at 10:41 pm

    You know you have to love the honesty in this one.
    Very nicely put.

  3. Maxon 05 Apr 2012 at 4:00 am

    This isn’t much of a poem, you’re just saying things. It’s awful; hopefully you stop writing soon enough. The world is fed up with your mediocrity. Keep this litter to yourself. Please and thank you, from all the people with a mind out here.

  4. Leighhon 05 Apr 2012 at 11:55 am

    Max, you don’t have the right to judge and put people down, i think her poems are amazing, obviously you just come on this website to put people down. Why don’t you upload one of your ‘poems’ and let people judge you instead. Okay thanks bye from all the people you have criticized on this website 🙂

  5. xxPlagueRatxxon 06 Apr 2012 at 1:37 am

    thankyou Leigh:) and Max, i don’t mind your criticism, whatever rocks your boat;)

  6. Maxon 06 Apr 2012 at 9:32 pm

    actually, this poem has grown on me. it is rather good.

  7. Maxon 07 Apr 2012 at 8:21 pm

    Aha, yeah nice try. Apparently, I need to come to this site and wake people up. You should be thanking me for trying to get you out of a dumpster. Honesty isn’t something you should fight, instead, you should be embracing me. 😀 And if this is “good” or even remotely “okay”, then my friend we are doomed. Doomed to sink in abominable, mediocre excrement like this.

  8. Maxon 07 Apr 2012 at 10:00 pm

    ignore my last comment, i didnt mean it. Your poem is great.

  9. pixieon 08 Apr 2012 at 10:11 am

    Either someone is using your name, or you’ve got a serious case of multiple personality disorder, Max.
    In case of the former – Whoever is doing it, STOP! -.-
    The latter I can’t help you with; find a professional.
    Also, love the poem xD

  10. xxPlagueRatxxon 09 Apr 2012 at 2:24 am

    okay, Max you’re confusing:L but thankyou anyway:) and thanks pixie:)

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