Dec 16 2011

Rukkie Is Good

Published by at 12:39 pm under Sad Love Poems

If I were to jog down this triangle,
And rotate this sheet,
And then eat the essense of no words.

I would end up at Rukkie’s door.

Rukkie creator is the of me,
Such a mesmerizing thing…

I ask for Rukkie’s forgiveness,
Without rest or hesitation.

I plead Rukkie to think of me,
I long to linger in this precious mind of Rukkie.

Rukkie may not be very intimidating,
But Rukkie is not to be understimated.

I cry…
I cry at Rukkie’s image.

I sob…
I despise something I should love…
But I love something I should despise…
Rukkie has always been a contradicting person.
But I’m not Rukkie, so I could not say…

Rukkie plays on the summer breeze.
Rays shine upon Rukkie and I just watch with enthusiasm.

I know Rukkie likes to play catch, and hide and seek, and pepper mint claps.
I can only be flabbergasted at the beauty.
The complexity of the games.
It’s… addequate for Rukkie.

I believe Rukkie is good.
I adore Rukkie as I could not adore a single object in this cavity.

I feel something for Rukkie,
It’s neither afection nor hatred…
I love Rukkie.
I pity Rukkie.
I am in love…

I idolize what Rukkie represents.

A maniac and a clow,
But Rukkie is also a lawyer and a thinker,
And Rukkie has also majored in blasphemy.
And while Rukkie is my twin and at the same time a stranger to me.
I still believe that Rukkie is good.

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One Response to “Rukkie Is Good”

  1. Ericon 18 May 2012 at 4:38 am

    In her book BLUE PASTURES, poet Mary Oliver states: The three inetgdienrs of poetry: the mystery of the universe, spiritual curiosity, the energy of language. Roger Housden does a superb job of incorporating these three key inetgdienrs in his marvelous book, TEN POEMS TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE. I am on my second reading and just realized what a wonderful gift TEN POEMS would be for people who say they don’t like or get poetry. Mr. Housden interprets poetry in his own poetic and deeply-felt style, illuminating the reader’s own innate knowing of universal truths, longings and passions. I am reminded of a recent ad for Mercedes-Benz: Live. A lot. Unleash yourself upon the world and go! Mr. Housden can show you how to do just that by connecting with great poetry. What a pleasure this book is.

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