Oct 04 2009

Sad Valentines Poem

Published by at 6:34 am under Valentines Poems

Sad Valentines Poem


O Sweet Valentine I wish I could see your face
Whenever I seek you I find only empty space
The other guys I?ve been with, well they just won?t do
They never had a job and they live with their mamas too.

O Sweet Valentine I wish I could hold your hand
You?re fiery and gentle and the world?s most handsome man
You?re the harmony to my melody, the hero of my tale
Cause you?re just a dream of the impossible perfect male.

O Sweet Valentine I wish I could hear your voice
but I?ll go to bed alone tonight because I have no choice.
O sweet valentine I wish you could stroke my skin
If you knocked on my door I’d be glad to let you in.

O sweet valentine I?d like to see your smile
walk with you & talk with you for just a little while
and if the mood was right I?d take you to my bed
but I guess that isn?t possible
because you live inside my head.

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